Water privatization. Online discussion with professor Andreas Bieler


Water privatization. Online discussion with professor Andreas Bieler on June 9th at 18

Finnish water politics has recently seen attempts at water privatization, as well as fierce resistance to it. What can we learn from such attempts in Finland and abroad? What theoretical tools do we have for interpreting the causes and consequences of water privatization?

On Tuesday, June 9th, at 18, Professor Andreas Bieler (Political Economy, University of Nottingham) presents on “Capitalist expansion and the appropriation of nature: the case of water”. After his presentation, participants may ask questions and discuss.

The presentation and discussion take place online via the following Zoom link: https://utu.zoom.us/j/62139033630

The link can be opened directly with either the Chrome or Edge browsers. Alternatively, the Zoom client application may be installed here: https://zoom.us/download

The event is organized by the Finnish Karl Marx Society. Discussion is moderated by D.Soc.Sc. Sami Torssonen, University of Turku.